Resarch Team Members

Professor Paul Kay-sheung CHAN (陳基湘教授)

Professor Paul Kay-sheung CHAN (陳基湘教授)

Professor Paul Kay-sheung CHAN (陳基湘教授)

Deputy Director, Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases ;
and Professor (Clinical)



Paul KS Chan is Professor in the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Honorary Consultant in Microbiology for the New Territories East Cluster Hospitals of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority. Professor Chan is a renowned clinical virologist with special interests in viral epidemiology, pathogenesis, and oncogenesis. He is currently a visiting professor of the Royal Veterinary College, University of London, and the College of Life Science and Bioengineering, Beijing University of Technology. He also serves many key professional bodies, including locally the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases of the Centre for Health Protection; the Grant Review Board for the Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases; the Hospital Authority Avian Influenza Working Group; the Hong Kong College of Pathologists Examiner Committee; and internationally, the Asia-Pacific Advisory Committee on Influenza; and the Asia-Pacific Advisory Committee on Prevention of Cervical Cancer. Professor Chan is also a partner of the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network and is a short-term consultant on influenza for the WHO. Professor Chan has published 10 book chapters and 215 scientific papers on clinical virology.

Teaching Modules

Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching on clinical virology

Research interests

  • Virology oncology, epidemiology, pathogenesis and diagnostics.

Selected Publications

10 recent publications in 2009
  1. Chan PKS*, Ho WCS, Wong MCS, Chang AR, Chor JSY, Yu MY. Epidemiologic risk profile of infection with different groups of human papillomaviruses. Journal of Medical Virology 2009; 81: 1635–1644.
  2. Lee N, Chan PKS*, Hui DSC, Rainer TH, Wong E, Choi KW, Lui GCY, Wong BCK, Wong R, Lam WY, Chu IMT, Lai RWM, Cockram CS, Sung JY. Viral loads and duration of viral shedding in adult patients hospitalized with influenza. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2009; 200: 492–500.
  3. Chan MCW, Lee N, Chan PKS, Leung TF, Sung JJY. Fecal detection of influenza A virus in patients with concurrent respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms. Journal of Clinical Virology 2009; 45: 208-211.
  4. Chan PKS*. A review on human influenza A H5N1 infections in Hong Kong. Sci China Ser C-Life Sci, 2009; 52: 412-418.
  5. Lam WY, Chan RCW, Sung JJY, Chan PKS*. Genotype distribution and sequence variation of hepatitis E virus, Hong Kong. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2009; 15: 792-794.
  6. Li CSY, Chan PKS, Tang JW. Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis C genotype 6a from patients with chronic hepatitis C from Hong Kong. Journal of Medical Virology 2009; 81: 628-633.
  7. Yeo W, Chan T, Leung NWY, Lam WY, Mo FKF, Chu MT, Chan HLY, Hui EP, Let KIK, Mok TSK, Chan PKS. Hepatitis B virus reactivation in lymphoma patients with prior resolved hepatitis B undergoing anticancer therapy with or without Rituximab. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2009; 27: 605-611.
  8. Chan PKS*, Luk ACS, Luk TNM, Lee KF, Cheung JLK, Ho KM, Lo KK. Distribution of human papillomavirus types in anogenital warts of men. Journal of Clinical Virology 2009; 44: 111-114.
  9. Cheung JLK, Cheung TH, Ng CWY, Yu MY, Wong MCS, Siu SSN, Yim SF, Chan PKS*. Analysis of HPV18 Viral Load and Integration Status from Low-Grade Cervical Lesion to Invasive Cervical Cancer. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2009: 47: 287-293.
  10. Sung RYT, Chan PKS*, T Tsen, AM Li, WY Lam, ACM Yeung, EAS Nelson. Identification of Viral and Atypical Bacterial Pathogens in Children Hospitalized With Acute Respiratory Infections in Hong Kong by Multiplex PCR Assays. Journal of Medical Virology 2009; 81: 153–9.
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