Health Check Service

Our clinical service will cease from 2021/2/28. For queries to the clinical team, please contact:

Health conditions change as we age. Our center provides health check-up services which are all evidence-based,
and specific to the needs of family members in different age groups.

Integrated Health
Check-up Package

For the young

In recent years young people are increasingly at risk for hyperlipidaemia and diabetes mellitus, which are some of the high risk factors for heart diseases and stroke. Hepatitis and kidney diseases are even symptomless.

Pre-Marital Health
Check-up Package

For pre-marital couples

Do your blood group type and Rhesus factor match with your partner's? Do you have any infectious diseases that can affect your babies causing blindness, deafness, or severe anaemia that require long term blood transfusion? Joining our PRE-MARITAL PACKAGE would provide you with valuable information for marital and pregnancy planning.

Integrated Health Check-up Package,
Bone Density Scan

For the middle age

The risk for obesity, heart diseases, stroke, cervical cancer and osteoporosis increases as you age. Therefore we highly recommend you to join our plan for early detection of any signs and symptoms of the above mentioned diseases.

Integrated Health Check-up Package,
Bone Density Scan

For elderly

Risk factor increases along with aging. Early detection is very important to start regimen as soon as possible.
(We are the Healthcare service provider under the Health Care Voucher Scheme. )

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